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Action Plan on Mine Action for 2023–2026

On 4 April 2023, International Mine Awareness Day, the FDFA and the DDPS are jointly launching their new Action Plan for Mine Action, thereby carrying forward Switzerland’s long-standing commitment in this area. The action plan focuses not only on implementation of the relevant conventions and support for the clearance of contaminated areas, but also on innovative approaches. In addition, Switzerland will provide targeted support to Ukraine in the coming years.

04.04.2023. by Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA

Humanitarian mine action can look back on great successes, including the adoption of two important international agreements in the last 25 years – the Ottawa (mines) and Oslo (cluster munitions) conventions. Their implementation has made a difference: so far, over 30 states have been completely cleared of mines, and in ten countries all residues of cluster munitions have been removed.

Switzerland has been involved in mine action for more than 30 years. It promotes projects in the affected states and deploys specialized military personnel. It also works at the diplomatic, legal and practical levels to ensure that the relevant conventions are universally implemented. Switzerland also created a centre of excellence benefitting the entire sector: the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD).

However, major challenges remain. Contamination caused by past wars still plague many countries. In addition, Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine illustrates how new armed conflicts bring about new contamination. After a fall in the number of victims, marked increases have been recorded again in recent years.

Mines and other explosive ordnance cause suffering to the civilian population in particular: displaced persons cannot return to their homes, and it is impossible to cultivate fields and rebuild destroyed infrastructure. A return to normality is prevented.

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